First United Methodist Church of Stuart
Volunteer for
Children’s Ministry
We have many service opportunities including, but not limited to:
Curriculum Team (help assemble curriculum each week we will meet 1x weekly in the children’s ministry office)
Small Group Leaders (work directly with children of a specific age group
Kids Club Leaders (Wednesday from 5-7pm)
Kids Club/Choir Nursery (Wednesday from 5-8pm)
Floaters (Willing to be flexible and be placed wherever needed)
Check-in (help with check in at the front of sanctuary at beginning of service kind of like a greeter but for kids)
Volunteer from home (opportunities to cut, create, send cards all from at home)
Office Work (opportunities to help with printing, paperwork, sending emails, writing cards, and calling families.)
Missions Team (help identify and organize service opportunities for Children's Ministry such as Operations Christmas, blessing bags, Kiwanis)