First United Methodist Church of Stuart
Options for Worship
We are called to love God, love one another, and serve.
No matter what stage in life you find yourself in, we have a service geared toward you.
Sunday at 9:30 AM
Contemporary Worship Service
Our contemporary service is devoted to lifting our hearts in praise and our voices in worship to God. The atmosphere is relaxed, inviting, and great for families. From acoustic to rock, soul, gospel, and everything in between, this worship service is infused with creativity and most importantly the Holy Spirit. Come check us out!
Sunday at 11 AM
Traditional Worship Service
Our traditional service consists of the hymns we've come to appreciate as a part of our heritage and faith. We sing varied choruses as well, which are often led and accompanied by our Celebration Choir and on occasion our Brass Ensemble. Please join us for this time of worship!
Meet & Greet
Join us each Sunday from 9 AM - 11 AM for coffee, goodies, and a place to make new friends in front of the church's entrance. All are welcome!
Small children are welcome in our worship. However, if you prefer that they are cared for in another loving, Christian environment, we have a nursery available for infants to 4-year-olds

Sunday School
During our 9:30 service, we offer a small group Sunday school. For more details, visit our Children's Page
For more details on our adult Sunday school opportunities, visit our Adult Groups Page

Youth worship
We offer youth worship on Sunday nights at 6 PM for 6th to 12th grade students. For more details, visit our Students page