First United Methodist Church of Stuart
Please be safe during Hurricane Irma.
We have provided links below for information about Martin and St. Lucie County during the storm.
Martin County Special Needs Assistance
Martin County's Public Information Line is now active and staff is available between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Residents can call 772-287-1652 to have their storm-related questions answered.
Martin County has designated specific times on local radio when residents can tune in to get information for our area from the Emergency Operations Center. During a declared emergency, residents can obtain Martin County-specific information by tuning to WQCS-88.9 FM, the Emergency Alert System radio station designated by the State of Florida, at 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. Residents can also listen to WSTU 1450 AM throughout the day. Local information is also available on MCTV on Comcast Channel 20 and on U-verse Channel 99.
St. Lucie County Shelters Info
St. Lucie County Special Needs Assistance
The St. Lucie Public Information Hotline, 772-460-HELP (4357). If residents have questions about unmet needs, they can contact SAFER St. Lucie at 772-462-8224 or call 2-1-1. For additional hurricane weather updates visit: St.Lucie County Hurricane Irma